Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday gathering...

If you are interested in connecting with us on Wednesday, please call Mike / Paula on cell. We are meeting at 6 pm at the Uhrigs house.

Finally Home

Hello All,

Paula and the girls came in last night on the 11:39 flight from Chicago. There was quite a crew there waiting for them and it was AWESOME. Thanks to all who came to share in their homecoming. Everyone was taking pictures except for me so, I will have to collect some photos from others to post on the site.
We are trying to plan a get together at the Uhrigs' home for tonight, Wednesday. I will post the time and where as soon as I have more details. This is really great timing because we will get to spend the holiday with the girls and I don't have to work all of it. There are still things that need to be done at home to put everything where it goes but, we will press on.

Thanks again to everyone for their support. We look forward to letting the girls meet everyone. A funny thing about last night was that most all of our parents were there. My mom and stepdad, Paula's mom and stepdad, Paula's dad...I was telling the girls...and this is your grandpa, and this is your grandpa, and this is your grandma, and this is your grandma...I'll bet that was quite confusing to them and anyone else I am sure.

Again, I will post time and place for the gathering tonight. I am sure there will be many over the next months.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful before Thanksgiving

I just talked to Paula in Chicago. Her new flight number is: United 7512 and arrives @ 11:39 PM. Remember that this is the NEW airport terminal and has a different exit. I haven't been there so, I will probably go a little early to be sure to be in the right spot.

See you there if you like and thanks for being a part of our journey.



If you are following for Paula's arrival - Her flight is delayed from Frankfurt to Chicago. A little thing like the rudder on the plane not working right caused them to return to Frankfurt after takeoff. Looking ahead at the United flights, this means that she will miss her connecting flight as well as the next scheduled flight to Indy. If all goes as it looks by the scheduled flights, I think it will be likely that she will be on a flight that will arrive closer to 10:00 PM.

I will update all as soon as I know. Paula is calling me from Chicago. I tried to call ahead to make the changes for her but, they wouldn't let me. Lufthansa didn't even know that their flight was delayed. I told her that not only did their web site tell me so but, I talked to a passenger...the wonder of technology but, some still miss the wave.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Almost there...

Hi All,

I am in the process of confirming Paula and the girls return flight home for TUESDAY!!! That's AWESOME that we get them home a day earlier than expected. It looks as though they will be arriving in Indy from Chicago @ 6:29 PM via United Airlines. We are very excited to get them back in time for Thanksgiving. I have talked to several that would like to greet them home at the airport and I will make sure that the word gets out.

Thanks for all you've done in your thoughts, prayers, and deeds,


Friday, November 21, 2008

7th Inning Stretch

Hello All,

Looks like we are in the final stretch. I received info today that Paula and the girls will be heading back to Kiev this weekend plan to be at the US Embassy on Monday. She said that they are sending some information ahead of them to the Embassy so that they have time to review in hopes of taking less time when they get there. Looks like we are on track to get them back on Wednesday night. I will update the time of arrival as soon as I have confirmation.

Want to come to meet them at the airport with us? Please email me at and I will be sure to pass their information to you. I will post it on the blog but, will be sure that you get the info as well. We are VERY excited and can't wait to see them and hold them in our arms.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Pics Added

Hello All,

I finally added more pictures. There are a few video's as well. I am working on adding the tags but, there are so many that it will take me a little while. The new link to the right should take you to a slideshow of all of the pics.

